WMW Jamaica


  1. PowHERhouse Brochure
  2. WMW Jamaica - CARIMAC Media, Gender and Development Training - Short Report
  3. PowHERhouse Training in Media and Leadership Report (August - September 2015)

51% Coalition

  1. 51% Coalition - Quarterly Report - Apr-Jun2015
  2. 51% Coalition - Quarterly Report - Jan-Mar2015
  3. 51% Coalition - Quarterly Report - Sept-Dec2014
  4. 51% Coalition - Quarterly Report Addendum - Sept-Dec2014

FES Jamaica

  1. Gendered Statistics - Women on Public Sector Boards and Committees in Jamaica - PART I
  2. Gendered Statistics - Women on Public Sector Boards and Committees in Jamaica - PART II
  3. References - Women's Leadership in Jamaica and the Caribbean
  4. FES Youth Leadership Development Programme 2015 - Module 1 Report
  5. FES Youth Leadership Development Programme 2015 - Module 2 Report

Additional Resources

  1. BEIJING+20 Reginal Document of the Civil Society Latin America and the Caribbean
  2. Gender Differences in Leadership Styles and the Impact within Corporate Boards
  3. Gender Earnings Gaps in the Caribbean - Evidence from Barbados and Jamaica
  4. Gender Equality and Election Management Bodies - A Best Practices Guide
  5. Gender Mainstreaming - An Overview
  6. Gender Politics & Political Parties
  7. Handbook on Promoting Women's Participation in Political Parties
  8. ILO - Women in Business and Management - Gaining Momentum
  9. The Global Gender Gap Report 2012
  10. Women and Elections - Guide to Promoting the Participation of Women in Elections
  11. Women on Boards - Not Just the Right Thing... But the _Bright_ Thing
  12. Women, Business and the Law 2016 - Getting to Equal
  13. Women's Citizenship - The Democracies of the Americas
  14. Women's Empowerment Principles - Equality Means Business