WMW Jamaica has been advocating for gender equity and seeking to reduce gender-based violence through media analysis and action for over 25 years. Our work has taken us throughout Jamaica and abroad.
Some of our achievements include:
- Over 1,500 training and professional development events locally, regionally and internationally, 1988-2014.
- Offering the course "Media, Gender and Development" at the Caribbean Institute of Media and Communications, University of the West Indies, 1996 to the present
- National inter-agency media campaign around violence against women and girls, 1998-2000
- Pioneering a programme of Gender Training for Male Leaders, 2004-6.
- Partners with the Jamaica Broadcasting Commission to develop child friendly policy guidelines introduced in 2003
- National and regional research surveys as part of the Global Media Monitoring Project, every five years since 1995.
- Gender and HIV sensitization for health providers and faith-based groups
- Weekly community radio programme
- Lobbying for legislative reform around sexual offences, domestic violence and sexual harassment.
- Presenting at International Conferences (after breaking ground at Beijing 1995) and hosting regional forums on Gender, Media and Communications.