WMW Jamaica uses gender-aware media analysis and transformative action to cultivate gender-equity, justice and violence-free social relations. We are a registered non-governmental organization that specializes in training, advocacy and research.
What do we stand for?
Media plays a huge role in shaping our views of the world and determining how we relate to pervasive messages about sex and relationships, power and politics. WMW Jamaica uses media, drama-in-education and popular culture in inclusive ways that reflect the beauty and complexity of our differences and similarities. We enable individuals, groups, organizations and business to become more media literate, and therefore more empowered!
Since 1987, WMW Jamaica has been a strong advocate of:
Why Gender?
Gender permeates our lives, shaping thoughts and action in powerful yet often invisible ways. Once we understand how gender affects our social interactions and career paths, we are able to make better choices. Being alert to how gender functions in society shows us how gender discrimination and social inequity lead to violence and injustice. We see that gender equality is key to a peaceful and just society.
Why focus on the media?
The media plays a huge role in shaping our views of the world. How do we relate to pervasive messages about sex and relationships, power and politics, in news, magazines, electronic media, social media? In this digital age, the more media literate we are, the more empowered we are!
Known for over 25 years as "Women’s Media Watch", we have forged a reputation for innovation and excellence. As our programmes keep diversifying and expanding we have re-branded as WMW-Jamaica. While we still apply a gender lens to media analysis, we also partner with women and men in academic, corporate and community settings.
Why Do We Care?
Because power and privilege determine who gets to speak and who is listened to. And most of the time it’s not women, or the poor, or rural communities, disabled persons, sexual minorities, or other marginalized groups. We want to develop models that can inspire healthier, safer, more inclusive communities using the power of media to edify while it informs, educates and entertains.